Safety & Quality

Our goal is zero lost time accidents. Our committment is to zero occurences.

Safety is the Key to our Success

PowerTel has always understood that the safety of our employees, clients, the general public, and the environment is paramount to the success of our company. Our employees are like family to us, and it is imperative that they arrive home safely at the end of the day. For this reason, in 53 years of operation, we have consistently invested our time and energy into helping define the legislation regarding High Voltage safety. We have led the way in safety initiatives and policies in our industry and continue to do so today. At PowerTel, we never forget that “Our Power Is Our People.”

Health & Safety Initiatives

PowerTel continues to focus on day to day activities in order to achieve excellence in Safety Performance. A commitment to compliance and due diligence drives our job planning and hazard assessment. PowerTel is an active industry leader in accident prevention, trades training, safety culture and H & S managed systems. Our management has been heavily involved on industry boards and associations, resulting in a safer work environment for everyone in High Voltage Construction. PowerTel has adopted and promotes the Internal Responsibility System (IRS). IRS is a driving force in account-ability and responsibility, and it allows us to observe, eliminate and control risk and hazards. Through the Plan-Do-Check-Act process, PowerTel monitors work and makes improvements as required. We continue to be a learning organization, and evolve with changes in legislation, guidelines, safe practices and safety equipment. We have the ability to implement customer and project requirements of performance, planning and reporting. Our workforce is very proactive in utilizing and implementing our managed Safety program. The people, vehicles, equipment, materials and activities of any project are controlled for planned outcomes to provide our services in a safe and effective manner. PowerTel is the preferred High Voltage Contractor because of our ability to perform, perform safely, and provide detailed records of that performance.

Good Safety is Good Business.

PowerTel is proud to announce that our ISO-9001:2015 Service is now certified.